In 2001, The Campbell Conservancy was formed to protect the natural features of Campbell County. We were created through the Campbell County Fiscal Court to hold land easements. We are one of four land conservancies based in northern Kentucky.
The Campbell Conservancy is a 100% volunteer organization working with landowners in Campbell County Kentucky to protect and conserve land.​​​
​We work with local landowners and other partners to preserve land and support conservation activities. We strive to protect the natural habitats and features that are critical to wildlife and the health of our communities.
Meet Our Board Of Directors
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Our board is composed of volunteers who have a passion for conservation and love the beauty of nature in Campbell County. Together our skills, experience, and perspectives guide the work we do. We share a deep appreciation for the value of our forest, farms, streams, and wetlands which are so critical to the long-term vitality of our region.